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Old 07-08-2010, 03:20 PM
Adalia's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: South Texas
Posts: 6

Hi! I'm Adalia from Texas. I started sewing about a year or so ago, and have recently started quilting. I'm getting ready to finish my very first quilt!
My mother was a talented seamstress and quilter; I just lost her to heart disease a few months ago. I've used her clothes to make my first quilt, and it helps me feel close to her. I know she would have been proud to see me complete my project. My need for a creative outlet comes from her, and using the skills I learned from her is my way of keeping her near.
OK--sorry- that was more than just an introduction. I may have to pay you a therapist fee if I keep going.
Glad to be here; looking forward to learning!
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