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Old 07-10-2010, 04:57 AM
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You might also consider doing farm animals, cats and dogs as three separate groups and possibly butterflies as a group separate from bugs. Just thinking along the categories that would appeal to me...

Originally Posted by Favorite Fabrics
What do you think of these, for groupings? I'm thinking of bundling eight fabrics together, and then people could choose however many groups they thought they might need:

- fruits
- veggies
- junk food & sweets
- domesticated animals (farm animals, cats & dogs)
- wild animals
- sea creatures
- birds & bugs
- religious (in case anyone was doing a baptism/christening gift)
- sports
- holidays
- household objects (tools, toys, etc.)
- "things that go"
- "girly"
- summer/beach
- music

What have I missed, that might be useful?
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