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Old 07-11-2010, 05:40 PM
woodland creature
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Northeastern New York
Posts: 148

It's been years since I have had a garden, but when my kids were small, we lived in Iowa, complete with a 25-by-25 foot garden (or maybe larger - I have no depth perception). And I canned and/or froze enough vegetables to keep us through the winter. Pickled beets were a favorite, as was corn relish. And of course canned green beans and tomatoes. And you haven't lived until you have canned your own ketchup. I could go on and on and on... We're moving in the next few months, so a new garden is on the horizon. In the meantime, I'm a new quilter, so have little to offer in conversations. But lots of experience gardening and canning, so I feel that this is one way that I can give back to others that I have learned so much from.
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