Old 07-14-2010, 07:48 AM
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Location: Okeechobee, Florida
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Originally Posted by bob1414
It sounds like this has happened to everyone - here's my latest experience. I was in one of our local quilt shops in Sioux Falls, SD this weekend. I specifically went to buy fabric to bind a quilt. I was not greeted upon entering although an employee was right there. After being in the shop for several minutes, nobody asked if I needed any assistance. I ended up spending less than $10 and if someone would have taken the time to see what I was interested in, I would have easily spent over $100!!! I routinely spend $100-$350 per month with online quilt shops even though I cannot see the fabric in person. This store could have had a much better day of sales if the employee(s) would have "bothered" to see if I needed assistance. Please, quilt shopw owners - if you see this, make the effort to assist customers!! I'm not just speaking for myself!

I actually ran a quilt shop in this city for a friend of mine after she relocated and I would never have ignored customers this way. I don't know of any reason to be this way.

Thanks for letting me vent - I feel like I'm in a 12 step meeting!!! :-)
Most of the stores I have shopped gave excellent service but I have to say the one I frequent the most which is 80 miles away has done this to me as well. I have spent alot of money in this store and always been very polite so do not see as I deserved to be treated like I was invisible. I bought a few pieces of fabric but my main reason for shopping there that day was to purchase an enbroidery Cd which cost $109.00. It took almost 30 minutes to get someone to help me and then they did not want to burn the cd for me. They told me to come back in two days because the lady that does that was busy. She was sitting in the back at a table eating cookies and tea talking to others. I told her I didn't live down the road and was from out of town and could not easily come back in two days but she still stuck to this story. I then asked if she wanted to make the sale or not? I did not intend to come back in two days. They got "Miss Tea and Cookies" off her butt in the back and had her burn my cd. I just about did not go back to that store but have with a few friends. They have been better since but to tell you the truth, I think they ignored me because I don't have that "Money Look" to me. I buy my purses at Walmart or make my own. I don't see buying "Coach" or "Prada" purses. I would rather spend my money on fabric. I don't spend alot on my wardrobe, I buy for comfort. I think I dress nicely but I am not into fashion. You will catch me buying designer "Laurel Burch" horse fabrics but never designer clothes...lol Yes, I honestly think they ignored me because they assumed I may spend $10.00 if that. They were so wrong as alot of my friends could attest I am known to spend closer to $100.00 and frequently more when in a quilt shop. Guess maybe I should borrow my daughters "Coach" bag when I go shopping so I can get waited on....lol Well, most stores are not like that, I would hope.
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