Old 07-16-2010, 03:45 AM
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Originally Posted by OdessaQuilts

April, thanks again for bringing us this swap and for hosting it again. You've not had the best health the past few months, and you just keep plugging along. You are truly an inspiration to all of us. As soon as I get your block done this weekend, it will be in the mail. I've got some other stuff to come with it; I hope you and Izabella enjoy what I'm sending.

For anyone who is facing health issues and having difficulty getting a block out, do not stress. Just let us know how you're doing and get the blocks done when you can. We're a very understanding group, but it's the not knowing that frustrates us all.

Happy weekend everyone,

Thank you Odessa for your kind words :-) I have never seen myself as an inspiration to anyone and that brings tears to my eyes to think that you see me that way. I look at this swap as my way of staying linked to the world and sane lol It helps to have something to look forward to when you hurt :-) I am sure Izabella & I will love what you send our way-your thoughtfulness and generosity has always touched our hearts :-)

As for your second point you are correct. We are an understanding group and do not mind the wait-we just need updates as the not knowing is hard.

CJT told me she is working on blocks but I do not know when she will get them out.

I have tried numerous numerous times to get in touch with Krazy with no luck. All I can do at this point is hope she is okay and that maybe she or someone in her family will at some point be able to answer and let us know she is ok.

I have blocks going home today to:


The other ones for Sugarpumpkin, Robin, Oatw13, mistiliz, Kathy N. & CJT will be out by Monday (sorry for the delay ladies I did not expect to get so far behind with Izabella's surgery and my own health issues!)

I will not be starting signups for the next round until the end of this month as I want to try and make sure as many blocks make it home as possible.

I thank you all again for your dedication and your beautiful work. Being a part of this swap with you all means so very much to me and I am so happy to have made the friends I have made through it!

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