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Old 07-16-2010, 02:11 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by goodluna
Hi Luna. I'm Linda Luna, I have a grandaughter that lives in that part of NY and she is also a Luna. Small world. Welcome
You know, my grand kids call me Luna. My daughter-in-law's
mom is Italian and she wanted to be called Nona which means grandmother. My oldest grandchild said what should be your name,(she was about 18 the time) I said anything you want, Nona Jan, Nona Luna, Grandma, Nana, what ever you like. She thought about for a few minutes and came back and said your name is Luna! She never thought about last names of course. So, Luna I am. And I love it. Sandy is Nona and I'm Luna( which rhymed with Nona and that's how she separated us.
Where is your grandaughter? Just the general area. I'm not nosy just interested. Well, maybe I am nosey. lol sorry.
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