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Old 07-21-2010, 07:55 PM
Sarah Jane
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Kansas
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by pieces
I can only work on one project at a time. And find it hard to start a project if its necessary before finishing up a project.
If I have to start something new for a gift, I try to make notes so when I return to my main project I know where I left off.
I like a neat sewing room and if I have a couple projects going on at the same time I fel like I'm working in clutter.
After reading posts on this board it sounds as though many quiters work on several projects at a time. Is this the norm?
Do most quilters finish a project before starting another?
Do most quilters have several projects going on at once?
Curious to hear feedback.
I am with you to an extent. I am finding once i piece a top, I like to take a break from the quilt for a while. So I start another project then when a second one is pieced I will go back and quilt the first one, and then piece another top, then go back and quilt the second top and so on. I find it is nice to put the tops out of the closet with some fresh eyes on it to quilt it. I usually end with a completely different quilting design then I originally planned.
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