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Old 07-27-2010, 12:39 PM
Quilt Love
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Westminster, MD
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Pam
Very pretty! May I suggest a red flange to frame this BEFORE the red and white border, then proceed. A tiny frame around this makes certain that everyone knows this is the center of attention.
OK I am a new quilter, I love the idea of a flange but have never done one, so I have a few questions. Does the flange lay inward (on top of the center peice) or point out toward the border? next how wide do you suggest? (the bias strips are 1/4" and 3/8" not sure if that helps). But I like the idea of a flange. Doing a Red flange do you still do a red border or would you move into a white border? So many questions
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