Old 07-28-2010, 02:23 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 70

Originally Posted by Gwyn
If I could put all of my best advice together with Grandma, I would be a truly happy lady. But...reality is I am a work in process...ever growing, ever changing,...and here is the real kicker...


We are all on this road together, tied to a vision of health and well-being.
Some have been {substituting word :baffoodled: with "brain washed"} by a media blitz of perfection.

'no body is perfect', but this is a goal, a place to strive for. So smile,...hold your head high, you are the best you, you can be, today.

Oh Gwyn, I do love you so....your words are so loving to listen to...and wise as well.

Comparing dieting to quilting works for me. No one was born a perfect piecer, or quilter. We acquire skill with lessons and practice. Lots of practice.

Some learn at the side of a family member, some learn by taking classes with others, and still more learn by printed materials. Few are those who excel and never had a lesson from anyone, or read about it anywhere. But they do exist.

Each quilt we tackle helps us to improve our skills...and each month we work together, teach those who need the hard won lessons, and support one another in the tough times, brings us closer to having the body we want, the health we need and the lifestyle we really desire with our whole hearts.

So your words are, Gwyn dear, so Like balm on a wound. And we are all wounded by the ugly way the world treats us.

I have discovered an overall weight loss so far of over 40 pounds.
Some have suggested that I had some kind of gastric surgery.
Not so.
I have a long way to go on my diet...and it is a daily struggle for me. An uphill battle, even against my own family...and to break a day down ever further, my struggle with food is multiple times per day...per meal.

I only mean to share with all of you...not to be put on some high pedestal I may fall off of...and disappoint everyone. Not even to disappoint myself, who is my own worst enemy.

For days now, I have wanted to just give in to my temptations...home baked goods I can smell from my room...a batch of chocolate fudge in the refrigerator...ice cream in the freezer...for their are times when I am strong enough to make the big step up, go into the rest of the house and see what they have put in the pantry, the refrigerator, freezer, lined the counter tops with....the temptations they seed my whole house with...

It is easier by far, for them that is, for me to just stay in my room...which until just a short time ago, was a two car garage...
it still has the stained bare cement floors to prove it...it is still the hottest place in the place...just putting paneling on the walls does not keep the heat of summer out, nor the cold of winter. They did poke a hole into the AC ducting....but one vent to cool or heat a 2 car garage?

No point in complaining more...nothing any one of you can do to change it. All you can do is be my friends and care about me, and understand that when I get up on that soap box, it is because I really truly care. I honestly do not like the way I sound when I am up there...but if you need to hear it, I will be your friend, get up there and do the saying.

We have to re-program ourselves...

It felt so good to hand select the little pieces of fabric to send to Vovoa...I got something out of that as well...a piece of good self esteem...she got something to help her resist temptation.

Ready? I read her address to mail it to...looked up the general region, and saw "wine country"...so the fabric I sent her, scraps though they be, were of grape fabric, and wine red solid to go with it. I suggested that she use those tid bits to make herself a lovely place mat to eat upon.

They were so small in quantity, they fit into a legal size envelope.

Most of the time I am trapped in this room...no ramp for the wheel chair to roll up & down ...in & out.
I have one local friend who takes me in her car to & from Dr appointments, and also to the local quilt guild meetings...

I am not looking for pity, or "oh you poor dear". feeling sorry for me, or my feeling sorry for myself, is non productive. No pity party or sad violin music for this gal.

Would appreciate some kind person to allow me to be a blessing in their life. Give me something to focus on ...which makes me feel better. {{ Not totally philanthropic by definition...and if you do not know that word, look it up either in a dictionary, or put quotation marks on both sides and google search the word. }}
But close enough. What I get out of it, is a good feeling. To feel as if my life still has purpose and merit...worth.

Not much of that happening around my house lately.

Thank you all for being my friends. For caring about one another. Precious little of that in the entire world today...more happy chatter please...

can we discuss something quilt related too?

who else would like to get a squishy to make into a place mat to eat upon?

music on my CD player..."Nat King Cole" The Ultimate Collection (mostly love songs) oh yeah!
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