Thread: Hello All!
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Old 07-28-2010, 10:53 PM
MissyK's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Hawaii
Posts: 23

Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I'm very glad to be here. Thank you for the comments on my avi...Yes, I made it. It's my youngest son's college quilt. I don't remember if I designed this one or used a pattern lol. My son and I played around with designing our own and looked at patterns on line...I just can't remember what we went with. My son actually chose all of the fabrics for this quilt.

The odd thing about this quilt is ...the center is a down comforter! My sons were spoiled and like to sleep under down. When my oldest son went to college - 8 yrs ago - I wanted to make a quilt to send with him. He agreed but said I had to figure out how fill it with down. Well, I've always loved a challenge and now both sons have down filled quilts. They are very heavy but my sons LOVE them!
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