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Old 07-29-2010, 06:51 AM
debbiemoo's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Vermont
Posts: 25

Well, I'm not 62 Yet! I had a sewing room, but both of my grown children moved home and now I have taken over maybe a third of my bedroom (thankfully, I have a large bedroom!) You soon realize how much 'stuff' you've acquired when you have to move it! And I think mpspeedy is right, the longer you've been quilting, the more you acquire. I started quilting 22 years ago, but I had an old $100 Sears machine and when my husband bought me a new Janome for our 25th I really got chugging! Then I found that the more I quilted, then I really wanted to start embroidery. So a few years later he got me a Bernina for another anniversary. Tools, supplies and fabric -- I'm not sure, but between what I have used and what I have given to family members who I hooked! (ha!) plus donations to my guild, I just may have. But again, it's great therapy right? What else could you do and have this much fun and relaxation!
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