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Old 08-03-2010, 10:01 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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RE: The Slump

It has been a long time ago but I remember that I felt out-of-place. It wasn't a depression, as when my Mother died, I was just somewhere else. Missing something?
Then my first child went to school and it became apparent - since I was three years old September was the start of something, a new beginning. At four years old I went sneaking into the kindergarten at the school down the block, every day, until they let me attend every day. All my sisters and brothers went to school every day and then I did!

Yes, I was in a slump of sorts. I didn't quilt but I did sew at that time.
Now September is always a new beginning.
Just another story about daily life.
Hope you get some MOJO back,
Quilter68 who is now 69

(Since then,my slump, I have completed a degree and an additional 20 courses. I like school! and I quilt every day.)
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