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Old 08-03-2010, 03:31 PM
Senior Member
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Location: New York
Posts: 332

Originally Posted by marciacp
I have been making quilts for 20 years, have taught numerous
quilt classes, owned my own on-line quilt shop for a while, and
am a published quilt pattern designer. However, for some reason,
I have hit a huge 'slump' where making quilts is concerned.
For some reason I cannot seem to make myself work on anything.

This has been going on for a year or so, but in recent
months it is worse. Also, it seems I have lost most
of the people I used to quilt with because of various circumstances in their lives, so I feel more isolated now.
I have tried and tried to make myself go in my work room
and 'just do it', but most times I walk in there, look at all
my fabric and half-started projects, and just turn around
and walk out. Has this happened to anyone else, and if so,
what did you do to turn things around? I need help!!!
Although I am only quilting for about five years, and started after I retired, I feel pressured to do quilts for others and it is taking all of the fun out of it for me. Sigh............I do want to try different blocks but just little wall quilts, not big "anything". I do need the push of a weekly group. It makes it so much more fun to show off what you have done in a week. Without the companionship, I don't have the same feeling about going in to quilt. I have JUST redone my entire playroom to make a new quilting room for me and it is bright, beautiful, neat, well laid out and I sew for fifteen minutes and then...................blah. So, you are NOT alone. Take a rest from it. Check with your doctor to be sure you are physically fine and then DON'T DO ANYTHING YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE! Take a rest, keep in touch with all of us and remember, YOU need to take care of YOU. (Now I should take my own advice!) Here's a couple of hugs.

:thumbup: :roll: :thumbup:
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