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Old 08-03-2010, 08:18 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Millington, TN
Posts: 21

Nearly 10 months ago, my only son committed suicide (work and wife related). In all other stressful times in my life, quilting has been the therapy that kept me grounded. But now i have found that I can't start or finish any of my projects. The last week or so I have been trying to re-organize my stash and sewing room in the hope that I will find some of that comfort I have always found in my sewing room. Not sure it's going to work, but my husband built me a beautiful sewing room and always encourages my quilting and helps me pick colors and is worried about me and I hate to add more stress on him than he already has. He is also dealing with the same sadness too.
It's funny that it's much easier to tell this to a group of on-line friends than it is to admit the same thing to in- person family and friends.
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