Old 08-05-2010, 08:57 AM
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Location: Pratt, KS
Posts: 313

Originally Posted by Honchey
Muriel, Who is doing the rotary cutting instructions??? Me !!!
Of course they are rotary cut. I'll give you a hint on the cutting. In a seam there are 2 threads + the fold. That takes up space from the 1/4 inch seam, so I ALWAYS cut my pieces a few threads larger and sew a scant 1/4 inch seam. Very rarely do I have a problem. I also measure often and use a slotted 1/4 " foot with a guide so I can make needle adjustments.

Wow, now I am going to have to give this a shot...do the 2 threads and the fold come close to 1/16th of an inch? It makes sense that we need to compensate for the fold when we press it back over the seam line....I have had problems in the past with block size....I am going to give this a try....thanks for the inspiration and for the tip....

WVDEK and Debo---I really like the color choices....

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