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Old 08-10-2010, 08:29 AM
Rag Quilt Cottage
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Kansas City, KS
Posts: 50

Originally Posted by nwm50
One more question ...or two?!!
Did you used batting and backing??
Looks like you used 2 layers of the cottons together at one time? And then stiitch 1 panel at a time?
I did use batting, and it worked out well since the fabrics were so light weight. If you use a poly or matted batting, the squares should be smaller than the fabric squares so that it doesn't protrude into the fringe. If you are using flannel or cotton fabric as the batting, it is okay to cut the same size as the original squares.

I used matching fabric on the front and back of each square, although this isn't required. You could use pretty fabrics on the 'front' fringed side, a cheaper coordinating fabric on the back.

I hope that helps!
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