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Old 08-11-2010, 08:33 AM
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I don't think this is negative at all. I think it is very smart way to honestly assess if people like what you make without having them put on the spot. One of my objectives when making/buying a present is that it is something someone would enjoy receiving. Believe me if a friend of mine stuffed animals I really don't care how much time/money went into it, I would not want it. Future gift givers to me please note LOL. Thanks for sharing this great idea.
Originally Posted by HeatherQuilts
I have read a lot of posts about how certain people have NO IDEA and NO appreciation for the quilts that we make. I figured something out last Christmas, to save myself some heartache.
I made 8 or 9 fleece blankets (I sewed the edges though, I didn't tie them) and gave them as gifts. I made one for my Step-dad, and he loved it, he was very appreciative. He is someone that will get a quilt from me some day, I know it will be worth the effort, and he will appreciate what I've made.
I made one for my Dad and Step-Mom, and they did not have the same reaction. It was kind of like, "Oh...this will be nice to keep us warm in the car...." Totally didn't get that I took time to MAKE them something! :lol: Clearly NOT someone that I will make a quilt for. I love them dearly, of course, but I know they just wouldn't "get" how much work goes into a quilt.
Anyways, I gave all the blankets out as gifts, and I know who will eventually get one of my quilts, based on how they reacted to the fleece blankets.... I'm glad I didn't take the time/money/effort to make a quilt for all these people!

Long story short!! :lol: :lol: (sorry I tend to ramble)
If you aren't sure if a person will appreciate a quilt, maybe think of a smaller, not so time-intensive project to make them. Like a tote, or an easy blanket, or something along those lines. Then you will know who is "quilt-worthy" :D

(I meant nothing negative by this post, I don't mean to say that people aren't worth my time, obviously! But it has saved me some hurt feelings, just thought I would pass it along) :-D

Thanks for listening! You guys are the best!
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