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Old 08-18-2010, 01:45 PM
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Hi there Riley, i found this thread by chance as there is a Cyber sew going on with the Jane Stickle quilt and there are quite a few participants. One of our Group has actually finished this mammoth task (Lacelady) and if you want to have a look at what we are all up to check out on the Search button Jane Stickle Week 1. We are now up to week 32 so you will have to search all the weeks but to view Lacelady´s quilt which she completed in 7 months (I kid you not) go to her blog in the Home section.

Your quilt is wonderful and I wonder how you are getting along. I dread the thought of hand quilting it and I am going to use the QAYG method as did Lacelady.

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