Old 08-21-2010, 10:59 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by Late Bloomer
Billy: I have a Singer model 99 made in 1928 and it is pretty well shot. Needs rewiring, probably a new belt, etc. It has been electrified and the motor is attached to the back and always worked great but has not been used in many, many years. Is it worth to get it up and running again? I can have my handy husband work on it but am not sure about the re-wiring part. Was this model made as an electric originally? The motor looks as old as the machine and was just wondering. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!! (no real rush, whenever you have a chance is OK)
You will definitely need to have the wiring checked out but yes this is a really great machine to have! You can always turn it into a handcrank or if you can find a 3/4 treadle put it in there.

But parts are very easy to find for them (I carry most everything you need for them myself) and it uses the standard 15x1 needle.

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