Thread: Carpal Tunnel
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Old 08-27-2010, 05:58 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Posts: 40

3Flowers - do the nerve study. It is worth the hour of your time. I had the suregery on both hands at the same time a little over a year ago and only regretted no having it done sooner. An Orthopaedic Specialist is the best in determining if you need the surgical procedure and the nerve study is the most definative way to diagnos the nerve compression. In my case, the doctor said that I was fortunate not to have permanent damage since I waited so long. Sometimes the tingling and numb feeling won't go away if you wait too long. I can honestly say it is now a pleasure to hand sew, knit, crochet or even write a letter and the scars from mid-palm to 1/2 inch on the wrist are barely visible.
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