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Old 09-11-2010, 12:20 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 8

Hi Lizzy,

I don't know if you have ever experienced your potatoes drying out a bit in the microwave. I have done it several times by poking them and nuking them.

What the cotton batting does is act as an insulator, making sure that the moisture is contained in your potato. Try making a potato bag,
cook a couple of potatoes in it and see, feel and taste the difference.
I was skeptical at first, too. The potatoes made in the bag come out
fluffier because the moisture has been retained.

Using a microwave can be dangerous using any fiber. BUT, since most
economical battings are made from polyester (a petroleum derivative),
it is strongly advised not to use anything made from polyester for microwave use. Thus the reason for the creation of Warm Tater.

Cotton is safer to use in the microwave. Make sure you wash your
cotton fabric before use to rinse out any chemical additives such as sizing. The cotton batting is very clean with no chemical additives.
Keep an eye on your microwave for safety sake. Also, since potatoes
produce a natural starch, it is wise to turn your potato bag inside out
and wash it every few days. You wouldn't want the starch to scorch -
as it would using spray starch and when ironing. An unexpected fire may start in your microwave.

If you need more information, just let me know!

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