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Old 09-15-2010, 08:39 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2009
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After my bout with digestion problems and having a colonostomy I finally decided to try going vegetarian. It doesn't happen every time but I can almost guarantee that if I eat meat, within an hour I'm going to have stomach cramps and then urgent (unmentionable). I haven't had meat since last week and I really do feel good.

I got a juicer before I decided on this and I've made WONDERFUL tasting drinks with lots of veggies and fruits.

I don't think I will miss meat. I went to lunch with 6 peoeple from work and I ordered a salad and a side of onion rings and I felt just fine. I know that I likely wouldn't have felt good if I'd had my previous choice at that restaurant, a BBQ beef sandwich.
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