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Old 09-15-2010, 09:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 10

Hi Going Vegetarian:

I have been a Veggie for the past 18 years. It IS Awesome and you DO have increased energy because your system is cleaner from not having to digest that Heavy protein. (To each his/her own) when it comes to the source of protein one chooses to live on. You will find you Sleep better, you Feel better and you think More clearly. You may live about 7 years longer than carnivores (statisticly proven), and people who know and see you will ask you "where you get all the energy from?" I actually Run to expell the energy I have and of course Quilt too. You will not miss the meat And if you slip up and do revert back, you will immediately feel the difference in your stamina and health. :thumbup: So UP with Vegetarians!! :thumbup:
One can eat Very well being a Vegetarian or a Veagan. Good Luck!
Yvette :-D
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