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Old 09-16-2010, 09:44 AM
feline fanatic
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Join Date: May 2009
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I love veggies but am a true onmivore and eat meat. One thing to consider if you do want the occasional steak is your source of beef. Try to find a butcher that carries grass fed beef. Grass fed beef is actually good for you, low in fat and high in Omega 3 fatty acids which commerical grain fed beef does not contain. Or buy bison meat. Bison refuse to eat grain so they can only be grass fed.
All commercially raised meat is so bad for us with the indiscrimant use of antibiotics, growth hormones, feed by products (mad cow disease was a direct result of feed by products, feeding rendered infected sheep to the cows, shocking isn't it) etc. If you live in an area where you can buy direct from the farmer even better! I am very blessed that I have a direct farm source for chicken, beef and pork. You will pay more for it but as my friend the farmer says: "you can pay the farmer a little more now or pay the doctor a lot more later"
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