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Old 09-22-2010, 03:49 PM
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Posts: 342

Kinda tokk a look at past posts. If they coming to California there are no jobs. We have Nurses out of work. That should tell you. And for the few places that do put out hiring , they even run credit checks. Out of work how do you pay bills, when you can barelly afford to eat. Of course your credit is sliding. Hire you They so no Bad Credit!!I don't care what you do for a living, There are over 1,000 applicants for every one job opening. And we are still having places close up and people being put out of work all along the western states here!I may be wrong but I beleive the states here now you can not get welfare without a year waiting list, because they are tired of people moving here to get more money then they got from their last state. Don't quote me , but I heard that. You can not get unemployment either, because you left a paying job, and moved here without one already being gotten before that move!! Oh they will be back when nothing pans out, but on whose dollars to get them back?? And they are always going in and busting houses for drug raids. Murder is on the news all the time. I live in a cow town with orchards, very small, and and this is going on around me constantly! Crime is out of control, and Police Services are cut back. Yet we are the most expensive state to live in. The state has no budget yet and god knows when it will. And they keep cutting back on all services. Even cops are out of work without any aspect of employment and leaving this state. I know I am going to move out of here too.
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