Old 09-26-2010, 04:51 PM
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Originally Posted by madamheather
Just because I like her feet, it does not mean I use them for everything. I think Clare has a right to expound on her product that can assist others to do things better and easier. If you want to get on your soap box and complain about her, you've done it. Leave it!!! It is not appropriate for you to be belitiling others on this site. Clare invented her product for a woman who was blind, to get her back into sewing. The feet work! If you really want to grill her, go to a quilt show where she is demonstrating and see for yourself what the feet do beyond what she does on her web site. Stop the negativity. The rest of the quilting world doesn't want to hear it.
I agree. I found the information very interesting, as I had not seen these feet before. I think she has the right to tell us about her product on this site, as this discussion is about them.
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