Old 09-26-2010, 05:04 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Prescott Valley, AZ
Posts: 38

Originally Posted by moonwolf23
Originally Posted by BrendaB
I really appreciate the information that has been provided. I went to three different sites and none of them had the information that I found in clarerowley's post. I wanted to know more from someone who had actually had experience with the feet to help me make up my mind. I'm a little confused about one of the posts where one poster seems to be reprimanded and her post is defined as a "sales pitch," while another poster is reprimanded for not "raving," both from the same responder.
The poster who I said was not raving, I was quoting that person. I was asking why she wasn't. I wanted to get their opinion. Re REad the quoted text. The person put raving in quotation marks like "Raving".

The whole just curious here part also indicates I wasn't reprimanding her. I simply wanted to know why the person felt the way they did about the product.


While a cast iron frying pan works I likely would not be "raving" about one unless it is a Lodge Skillet pan. I wanted to know what the person who said "raving' felt the product lacked for them not to love it.

The Sales pitch, is if you look on the site and what Clare is saying her the same thing.

I don't think it's unkind to ask someone to be themselves and not sell me via an advertising spiel. I don't come to this board to be advertised to, if I wanted that, I'd click on the advertising flashies that flash to me, which ironically enough are eve related stuff. I come to converse with people.

For instance info for me, would be to hear in her own words how you can use that quilting foot to FMQ without having to hold it down. That is more info.
Yikes! I hope you all know that I never ever wanted anything but warm and fuzzy moments - and never wished for anyone to misunderstand my intent.

if you don't know me, it may appear I'm pushing my products on you - but know that I only posted at the request of members that have the feet and wanted me to help everyone understand.

I ONLY posted replying to posts that were stating things that I felt needed clarification.

I'm really not needing to go into forums to sell my product (thank God) as my company has been successful for 22 years despite the attempts of sewing machine manufactures to copy my products.

Know this..... NO sewing machine company has our feet - they may have some feet that do some techniques I listed but they do not have our feet.

Mine came first. I'm a mother of 2 an American and a woman just like you that cares about people. I invented the Satinedge foot for a woman that inspired me 27 years ago and still does to this day. Mary was born blind and deaf and wanted to sew. That is who I am - a person that cares.

I don't want you to be made to feel bad for your comments and hope that this all resolves itself and we all can get back to having fun with this amazing craft of quilting.

As for the FREE MOTION QUILTING that is NOT done using the Satinedge foot - You were right to question that.

Our Octi-Hoops are what does the Free Motion Quilting and it does not require any foot.

Please know that all I am here for is to educate you all as an educator for 27 years and never want to ever make any of you feel as if I'm invading your space.
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