Thread: Weight Watchers
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Old 09-28-2010, 06:47 PM
Aussie Quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: SE Qld. Australia
Posts: 271

I started going to WW earlier this year. After 2 months they closed the group down, and now there is a 70km round trip to the nearest group. I don't drive at night because of cataracts, and I really need the motivation of the meeting to keep on track. Another group that was closed at the same time has a 3 hour drive to the nearest group now. We all protested about the closures of the groups, but they are only interested in the money side of it. I will NEVER join WW again, even if they set up next door!

Be careful of their products too, some of them contain Aspartame as I found out the hard way. Spent 2 days in bed because of it.
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