Thread: Weight Watchers
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Old 09-28-2010, 07:05 PM
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I've been doing ww for about a year. I've lost 30 pounds of the 70 or so I need to lose. Didn't gain it over night so ... it's taking a while. I completely lost track over the summer, but hopefully am back now. The meetings make it for me. I've done online - and many other plans - but this one is set up for success - both during and after. A dear friend is in the same group - lost 50 pounds over a year's time and has maintained for almost a year. She still comes to meetings nearly every week.

The products? I don't eat many of them - you don't have to to be on the program. I do keep some of their frozen meals on hand for lunches at work when I don't have leftovers.

Keep trying till you find something that works. For me - right now - this works.
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