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Old 09-28-2010, 08:16 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2007
Location: San Bruno, CA
Posts: 433

I was asked if I would do a tutorial on the method I used on this quilt and said, that while it would be a new undertaking for me I would give it a try. I did prepare samples and was beginning to photograph them, then 9-9-10 or the P G & E gas explosion in San Bruno happened. We completely lost our home, one car and our RV. We were directly across the street from 6 people who died and many more who were badly burned. We left in less that 5 minutes from the time of the blast and our house was engulfed in flames with windows bursting. We saved ourselves and our dog, and I grabbed my purse on the way out. Therefore I will not be able to do the tutorial which I had hoped to share.
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