Thread: Weight Watchers
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Old 09-30-2010, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by polly13
Originally Posted by bourvel
Originally Posted by EmsMom
I am thinking of joining WW. If it isn't too personal . . . anyone else on the board doing WW?
I'm on WW since Sept. 2000, I lost 45 pounds and I was doing good until last year, I gained 15 pounds and can seem to take it off. I'm a lifetime member but if you past your goal weight by 3 pounds they make you pay again and I just don't want too. So my goal now is to get back to my normal weight so I can start going in every month.
Yes it works, yes you loose weight but you have to keep you spirit up, mine is down at the moment and that's why it's not working for me
YOU CAN DO IT I KNOW YOU CAN! Just think, it took 10 years to get that 15 lbs. back on. Count your points, track what you eat, and sew, sew, sew.

Thanks for boosting my mind, I really make efforts by counting my points everyday and my husband needs to loose some weight too and he's ready, I think this time it's going to work and you give me a lot of motivation. Also I started to exercise more again which will help. Thank You
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