Thread: Where You Live
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Old 09-30-2010, 06:50 AM
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When I was a kid we were like gypsies, always on the move, state to state, even a few different countries. By the time I graduated from the 12th grade I had been in 17 different schools. My kids had it a little better, we were pretty poor though and had to move from house to house but I stayed pretty much in same geo-area so the kids could be close to their grandparents. We lived in Western Colorado and I just hated the climate and the view. I did not know how it felt to have a home place until I moved here over twenty years ago and found this little house by the forest. Now I am like an oak tree with deep roots. I want to be here forever. I get up every morning and look east to the hills and marvel at the beauty of it all. I go out and stargaze on a clear night and my heart is full. If you took everything I have and I had nothing left but this piece of earth to live on, I would still be content.
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