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Old 10-02-2010, 05:41 AM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 29

In Japan, cell phone use is banned on public transportation, and I think while driving. I think that makes a lot of sense.

I'm a bit of a hard case when it comes to electronic distractions. When my niece and nephews visit, they are not allowed to use their cell phones or hand held games, nor are they allowed access to our home computers or our phones. If they complain that it isn't fair, they are sent to the family van, where they can be rude all they like.

I carry a cell phone because I'm disabled, and when I drive, its turned off. Its used to check in so Hubby knows where I am, that kind of thing. Phones for me are too distracting, and not everyone has this problem.

That said, I'm all for fining drivers who text and use cell phones without clear medical reasons heavily, up to and including having their license suspended or revoked, car impounded, the whole works, including going to jail if someone is killed through their negligence. If that happened often enough, people would knock it off. :)
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