Old 10-02-2010, 02:58 PM
LJSews4Fun's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Brick, NJ
Posts: 35

My doctors want me to work a no carb diet. Meaning they only want me to eat Dark Green and Leafy veggies. So I am doing a modified Atkins. Been with it a week so far, hanging in there. It is not so bad. I can have a portion of meat or fish and Asparagus; Brussel Sprouts; Mixed Greens for salad; Green pepper; onions and mushrooms, so far. It hasn't been that bad. I don't use sugar so I am ahead already. I am not allowed any grains at this time. Need to lose at least 60 lbs. Want to get back down to a size 16, which is what I was 2 years ago. Currently a size 20 and it is depressing. On a good note, I put my jeans on and HAD to wear a belt and guess what. I put it down two notches. Whoooohoo
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