Thread: Binding Tip
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Old 10-06-2010, 05:56 AM
grann of 6
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Originally Posted by kdoublea
I have never ironed binding the way you mentioned but it does make sense even though you need to be careful that the quilt doesn't get flattened too much. When I make small items like wallhangings and table runners, I machine-stitch the binding on the BACK, press it out away from the edge and then turn it to the front, press it again, and then top-stitch very close to the inner edge of the binding. Pressing ensures that the binding is very straight and makes it easy to stitch. Hope this helps someone else!
That's exactly what I do. It's funny that I thought that everyone always pressed it to a fold before stitching. Makes it so much easier to stitch down, don't need as many pins, but I will try the glue stick method. I have to get a washable one; mine is permanent.
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