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Old 10-06-2010, 06:42 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 547

Originally Posted by chrises
A great new way to make binding:
Cut on the grain if your edge is straight, bias for curves.
Cut 2 strips 4" wide, fold & press wrong sides together.
Stack the 2 folded strips & sew 4 raw edges together.
This works good for straight seam or scallops are neat.
Turn, press. Attach to project. Enjoy.
I'm sorry - I think I'm dense today. I simply don't understand this!

What edges do you sew together? The long edges? Then you would have 2 folded strips sewn together making 4 layers of fabric for the binding. You would then sew all this to the quilt? OR
Sew the edges on the short ends together instead making the strips join together with a straight seam instead of the normal diagonal seam that we use to join the binding strips. Then sew to quilt as normal.

Since you don't attach to project until the last step, we're not talking about sewing the binding to the quilt yet, so I'm just not sure what is being sewn to what, and where is the benefit?

See...I don't get it. Please 'splain, s'more :)

Debbie in Austin
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