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Old 10-06-2010, 02:24 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: East Troy, Wisconsin
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by ckp11271
I've been trying to think of a pattern that I will do for this quilt, and haven't come up with one that I would want for myself that really signifies 'me'. So instead of one block, I am going to go in whole hog and finally open my copy of 'The Farmer's Wife' quilt book that's been hiding in my desk for about a year. Since I am a farmer's wife, it will really be a quilt about me and my own journey - life, and weight all wrapped up in one. And BONUS - it has enough blocks in it so that each pound gets it's own design!
Well already this is turning into a buying spree... couldn't pass up the Farmer's Wife' quilt book you mentioned and of course that lead to more surfing and I ordered Schnibbles Times Two: Quilts from 5" or 10" scraps. Thanks for the ideas, can't wait till they get here and I can get started on my quilts. Doncha love online shopping? 8-)
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