Old 10-08-2010, 08:48 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2009
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Posts: 78

Originally Posted by stitchinbee
Ok, I find that every time I walk into Wal-Mart, I go straight to the fabric and craft section to look for new gadgets, tools and notions. In my down time (everything else has been done.. chores, etc.), I search for fabric / fabric combinations. I also delve into my graphics app and design quilts. Sooo... My question is do the rest of you quilters do the same thing? I will go into a fabric shop and just purchase fabric because I like it (like a kid in a candy store), with absolutely no quilt / home decor idea or design in mind. I always think, "I will find something to use it in". My fabric will sit there until suddenly something pops into my head. I normally let the fabric inspire me, versus planning something out. Sorry so long.... just wondering if all of this is common. :)
Sounds like a woman after my own heart......exactly what I do. Same w/going into Hobby Lobby.
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