Thread: Fat Thread?
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Old 07-19-2007, 08:04 AM
Carla P
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Hey Kathy,

It could be a couple of things. The first thing I would check is, of course, the tension; sounds like the top tension may be a bit too loose to compensate for the varying weights of the top & bobbin threads.. maybe bump the top tension up a bit. If this does not work, try a bigger needle with a bigger eye. The larger needle shaft will create a larger hole for the thread to settle into, & the larger eye will create less friction on the larger thread. Also, as suggested earlier, you could always wind it into your bobbin, flip it over, & quilt from the back... it's interesting to do it that way at the very least. :lol:

If these suggestions don't work, PM or email me & we'll get it figured out. Then you can post your solution if you want... or keep 'em guessing... :lol: j/k

Let me know how things work out for you.
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