Old 10-10-2010, 03:20 PM
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Originally Posted by colleen53
THIS is a birthday present for my daughter... she has always wanted a giraffee purse.. but i can't afford the one she wants... she will have to make do and make believe !!
Amazing! I love giraffes too, and have been collecting giraffe fabrics. I love your idea.

Historical side note:
I'm obsessed with antique quilts and have seen several from around 1830 with giraffes or giraffe print fabric in them. There's a particularly beautiful star quilt in the Maryland Historical Society with graffes in the border.

It seemed so odd, but every trend has a reason. I read that in 1826 a sultan gifted the King of France with a giraffe. Zarafa drew huge crowds on the 500 mile walk to Paris. A star was born! And a love for animal prints too!
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