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Old 10-12-2010, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by BizyStitches
Originally Posted by cindle
I just finished sewing together my first rag quilt I made up of flannel squares from my stash. Now comes the cutting OMG my hand is already killing me and all I've done is cut the outside edges of the quilt and started to do one row. Is there any way to make this not hurt your hand and make blisters?
There has been tons of comments about the Accuquilt GO! fabric cutter. It has a die that will cut the rag quilt squares and you don't have to cut the edges by hand it is all done for you. To late for the one you are making, but you might want to check it out if you are planning on making more. They have many great die cuts.
So when you use this to pre cut the rag quilt pieces, is it hard to sew seams with edges already clipped?
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