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Old 10-16-2010, 01:47 AM
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Originally Posted by moonrise
I've got some scraps and 9-patch blocks I inherited from my great-grandmother, who passed away in 1979. She was in her mid-70's. I have no idea how old the fabric is, but she quilted her entire life, so it could be as old as 80-90 years.

I'd love to do something with the blocks, but it looks like she didn't use a pattern when she made them, because they're all over the place, as far as sizes. Some may not be usable anyway, as they've become stained over the years ... but I don't have the heart to throw them out. :)

There are also some blocks to a wedding ring (double wedding ring?) quilt that she'd started. They're more consistent and appear to be in good condition, but I've never made one of those quilts before, so I'd want to practice first. :)
Why don't you neaten up the edges and add strips to make them all the same size then make them into a quilt with the history of how your great grandmother made them. That way you are honoring her memory and what she loved to do.
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