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Old 10-18-2010, 02:45 PM
grann of 6
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Glenmoore, PA
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Originally Posted by Dwbbie
a long list that was? Did you complete it in a day? I worked today, came home to hubby who started Italian sausages, I made a salad and did up some dishes and laundry. (Usual stuff!) Today is a beautiful day, with temps in the low 70's and overcast. While dinner cooked, DH and I took asmall walk. I got home about an hour early. I am taking some classes online and I'll have to do that until bedtime.
Anyone sewing tomorrow? (I have to work.) I hope to have sewing plans for the weekend, so I will have to get going in the house! My plans are---
to buy a crazy quilt book from Amazon this week, to make a friend a crazy quilt. Next weekend, I'd like to make 9 treat bags for my 9 Grands! Six boys and thre girls! I am itching to make some fabric post cards. Anyone else make these?
Sorry to have talked for so long! Happy sewing everyone!
You've got to be kidding!!! I lost my basting spray, had to take a spare key to my Son-in-law because he locked himself out of the house, was watching my poor fish die a slow death (is almost there today). and on and on and on. Now tomorrow I have good intentions, since I found my basting spray, I hope to finish the table runner I started Sunday and make a couple more, mail the QFK's I finished and start on more stuff for Christmas. It is supposed to rain here so maybe I can concentrate enough to get something done.
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