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Old 10-20-2010, 07:54 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: somewhere over The Falls
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My worst cooking disaster happened 2 years ago (and I've been cooking for 40+ years). My husband and his buddy take a yearly fishing trip. Part of that involves me making a huge pot of chili for them. Apparently, this time I "veered" from my usual recipe. When the guys returned home, my husband's friend informed me he cracked a tooth!. I said something like, "oh my gosh, what happened?". He told me he was eating a bowl of MY chili when it happened. Apparently I used WHOLE PEPEPERCORNS instead of ground pepper...Boy, was I didstracted that day-lol! Luckily, his friend had dental insurance and I didn't have to pay for the repair. Was I ever embarassed!
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