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Old 10-22-2010, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Kellie G
Some advice please.....This is the first time I have had this problem. This is the first time that I have totally pieced both the front and back of a quilt and it is for a gift for my cousin who is due in November. I have been FMQ this in quarters...on the very last quarter this is what I get on the underside (bobbin side). I did not change my settings. Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong???? I am now un-quilting this section...Please help, I am desperate.
I don't have time to read all of the comments and suggestions, but there is one thing I would highly recommend.
Magic Genie Bobbins ... BEFORE you buy them, consider this ...
We had these in all of our machines in the factory, but they weren't teflon, they were simply pieces of muslin, cut to fit into the bobbin, with a drop of oil on the fabric once in awhile.
Until I saw the ad (don't remember where) ... I had forgotten all about them ... the bobbin, moving in the bobbin case, creates warmth ... if you don't believe me, imitate the action in the palm of your hand with the fingertips of your other hand ... a few back and forth motions and you will feel the heat.
Oil not only lubricates, it acts as a coolant ...
I think the gapping of the bobbin thread is based on two factors ... the bobbin free wheeling as it warms and perhaps (a tip I learned from the Quilting Board) ... slow down your movements a bit ... I was absolutely amazed at the difference created by slowing down.
And, one other idea - - which I am sure that everyone has mentioned:
RE-THREAD your machine.
I JUST went through this with my machine. It wasn't a problem the first quilt, but with each successive quilt, the problem became more pronounced. I had to rewind my twenty bobbins and that was when I discovered that I had been making the machine sew while threaded through the bobbin-filling path as well as whole regular path.
To be sure that I was doing it correctly - - I actually got out my owners' manual and followed it step by step (made a world of difference!) ... why is it that reading the directions is the LAST thing I tend to do???? LOL <wave>
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