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Old 10-26-2010, 06:10 PM
Pat T
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Kentucky
Posts: 12

I would chg her at least $100. per quilt, that is alot of work! And I would tell her, that was a family price! Also, I would tell her up front if you have trouble with it, or run into problems, it could be more! I did one one time for a lady, and it was a nightmare!Her sewing was awful,squares weren't cut right, seams not the same width, and none of it matched up! When doing the binding,her handy work had folds in it! UGH!!!
You can't fix someones elses boo-boos, not when your finishing it, all the boo-boos come out and rear t
heir ugly heads!Then if that wasn't enough, she expected me to do it for nothing because she knew me! Never again!
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