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Old 10-28-2010, 03:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Mattee
So, there I was, taking a class. I had almost completed my table topper, when a classmate asked me how I was going to cover it. "What do you mean, cover it?" I asked.

Her: "You know, so it won't get food on it."

"But it's a table topper. It's going to get food on it," I responded.

Her: "Exactly. You need to cover it in vinyl or a laminate to protect it.

no, not really but I must tell you that I agree with you 110%....

I detest the plastic look !!!!

Went to a party one time and they had their silver in a china closet all wrapped in Saran Wrap........not hidden below but right there behind the glass.......

Nope.....spill and enjoy that table topper !!!!!!

there is always "shout it out" !!!!!
Me: "No, I want it antiqued."

I was actually shocked. I must admit that the thought never crossed my mind to cover the table topper. I figured that in 80 years (I'm being optimistic), when I'm dead and gone, and my descendants are using the aforementioned table-topper (again, my optimism), it will be like an archaeology exercise. There will be evidence of past meals that can be sifted through. "Look, Great-grandma Mattee must have LOVED ketchup!"

Anyway, I won't cover it. I understand completely why some people would. What I don't understand is that this woman seemed truly appalled that I choose not to. I mean really, it is MY project, right?

Anyone else have experience with classmates being appalled at your quilting behavior?
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