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Old 10-28-2010, 05:36 AM
sally's girl
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I work for Wal-Mart.....and sure there are things I do not agree with them on...but they do CARE for their customers and employees. Yes their prices have gone up... but have you compared them to other so called discount stores (who have never carried fabric, do you avoid them because they don't)..W/M is still cheaper.... every retail store has raised prices. They admit they made some mistakes by deleteing items from their shelves...BUT they are in the process of correcting these mistakes. Which can not be done over night. Wal-mart hires a lot of many companies have went out of business and put many families out of work.....Do you know how many millions of dollars they donate to charities, both locally and nationaly? WE LIVE IN AMERICA AND HAVE A CHOICE TO SHOP WHERE WE WANT.
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