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Old 10-28-2010, 05:21 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 327

Originally Posted by Nancy11442
Originally Posted by Mattee
So, there I was, taking a class. I had almost completed my table topper, when a classmate asked me how I was going to cover it. "What do you mean, cover it?" I asked.

Her: "You know, so it won't get food on it."

"But it's a table topper. It's going to get food on it," I responded.

Her: "Exactly. You need to cover it in vinyl or a laminate to protect it.

Me: "No, I want it antiqued."

I was actually shocked. I must admit that the thought never crossed my mind to cover the table topper. I figured that in 80 years (I'm being optimistic), when I'm dead and gone, and my descendants are using the aforementioned table-topper (again, my optimism), it will be like an archaeology exercise. There will be evidence of past meals that can be sifted through. "Look, Great-grandma Mattee must have LOVED ketchup!"

Anyway, I won't cover it. I understand completely why some people would. What I don't understand is that this woman seemed truly appalled that I choose not to. I mean really, it is MY project, right?

Anyone else have experience with classmates being appalled at your quilting behavior?
Yes, I've experienced the quilt police also. Not with a classmate but with another quilter in our guild. She must pass judgement on ALL projects for show n tell. A relatively new quilter, older lady like myself, began showing her projects and we were thrilled cause she has a difficult time seeing but her projects are wonderful. The quilt police began criticizing her stitching, stabilizer, etc. I wanted to get out a sharp object. This lady handled it beautifully. She had more than one project and when #2 came out and the quilt police grabbed it, Lady said, "Don't touch it!! I'm not asking for advice". End of story for that session. She continues to do this to everyone and a lot of people won't show n tell cause they won't take the criticism. Too sad.
Why don't they tell her to shush then? sigh.

It's the German battleaxe in me. Then again, if your friends with me, I tell you, be free to use the two by four, it's sometimes the only way to get my attn.
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