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Old 10-31-2010, 07:02 AM
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: dreaming of a simple life. Living off the grid!
Posts: 3,259

Originally Posted by redquilter
I've been out of the loop for awhile, but do you mean to tell me there are STILL people whose angel dropped out of sight, never to be heard from again? That's awful. If any of the guilty parties are reading this, unless you have a good excuse, SHAME ON YOU! I'm a very forgiving and understanding person, but I'm sorry - a promise is a promise and a contract is to be respected and that's just what this was. We all get busy and things happen, but everyone can find 2 minutes to write out a little card. If finances are an issue, don't buy a card, make one or just write a note. The gifts don't have to be big, expensive items. That was made clear right from the start. Again, if money is tight, tell you angelee that and she will understand. I don't think any of us really signed on so we could get gifts. I believe we all did it for the fun of it all. But, let your angelee know you haven't forgotten her. No one likes to be forgotten. It must be especially sad for the forgotten ones when they see the rest of us posting pictures/descriptions of the things we've gotten and they haven't even received a notecard. I have been so blessed with my angel that it just makes upset that others have been neglected.

To those of you who are gulity - are YOU receiving gifts? Doesn't that make you feel bad that you are and YOUR angelee isn't? Right now, pack up something and address it to your angelee. Do it! NOW! Please! Pretty please! Make someone happy.

I'll get down off my soapbox now! Sorry about the tirade! I realize that the guilty parties probably aren't even watching this thread anymore, but maybe..............

I, for one, would be happy to "adopt" a forgotten angelee. Perhaps someone else would be willing to do the same. Wouldn't that be a nice way for us all to "pay it forward". Trupeach - PM me with your address if you want to be "adopted".

Thank you for adopting me. I joined SQA for 2 reasons I thought it would be fun to keep my angelee in suspense and brighten her day when she received something from me. I am not crying poverty but I am stating a fact I live WAY below poverty level for the state of Ohio and yet I have managed to send something each and every month. Am I patting myself on the back?????? YES!!!!!!! Could people use the excuse that life got in the way??????? Again I will not except that as an excuse for those who know me know 18 months ago my DD was the victim of a crime and had her head bashed in with a 5 lb rock. Prior to SQA she had 2 surgeries, during this past year of doing SAQ she has had 3 more MAJOR surgeries including ballons in her head, more screws, nuts and blots removed that were keeping her fractured skull together. This is not the end she still have more surgeries to come. Yet I managered to keep to my end of the bargin of remembering my angelee. It REALLY would have been nice with the hell I have been living for someone to send a note to say "I am thinking about you" It is not like my fallen angel didn't know about it, she had even meantioned my DD at the start of SQA. We all checked our angelees profile and life is and open book on this board she should have taken the time to care. It is clear she didn't care however she should have taken the time to PM Kwhite to let her know she wouldn't be doing it any longer. I am active on the board and yet I seldom come to this thread why............ because I do/did feel bad that everyone would post pic or talk about all the wonderful things they were getting. The only time I came here was after I sent my angelee something, just to see her response. She always posted a thank you and that at least made me feel better knowing i put a smile on her face that day. These fallen angles are the angelees who have not responded with a thank you to their angel and yet their angels continue to send........this I know for a fact. They should have said they were out and Kwhite could have assigned new angels and angelees. But they didn't do they the keep getting pressies, talk about selfish. I am not one to judge IN MOST cases but I think what they have done is pretty darn crappy.
Now I am off my soap box.
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